EEC V file conversion

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Re: EEC V file conversion


I also have a question about the below, I am having issues trying to fix the errors in the DIR file noted in the MSG file. I just am not sure about what version he used for the below commands, and I can't seem to find them in the current SAD docs I have, although, I did not download the older version of the docs. Maybe I need to do that to be able to change the commands to the current versions. But that being said, I do not get the "error-commands overlap" errors. I did fix quite a few of them already, these are just the ones I have not gotten to yet, or do not quite understand. I am sure it is just a version to version issue and I just maybe need to find the old docs and spend time comparing, but any help would be appreciated. thanks again!!!

Code: Select all

sym b4 "PCM_PIN_2_mil" : T + << Error - Invalid Option
sub  0f99e "Sub256"   :Y  : F 9 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  0f9da "Sub251"   :Y O +2  : F 8 << Error - Invalid Option
vect 19ddc 19e14 : D 0 << Warning - End inconsistent with size, set to to 29e13
 << Error - Bank invalid

vect 1af92 1b198 : D 8 << Warning - End inconsistent with size, set to to 2b197
 << Error - Bank invalid

vect 1b19a 1b1aa : D 8 << Warning - End inconsistent with size, set to to 2b1a9
 << Error - Bank invalid

sub  82895 "UUByteLU"   : F 1 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  828e1 "UUWordLU"   : F 1 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  82a0b "UTabLU"   : F 2 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  82a10 "UTabLU"   : F 2 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  82a1d "UTabLU"   : F 2 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  82a22 "UTabLU"   : F 2 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  8f6b9 "UUWordLU"   : F 1 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  8f6c0 "UUWordLU"   : F 1 << Error - Invalid Option
word 8f8d6 8f8e4   << Warning - End inconsistent with size, set to to 9f8e3

code 8fcfa 8fd2f << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fd30 8fd53   << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fd6c 8fd71 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fd90 8fd95 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fe1a 8fe25 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fe44 8fe5b << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fee6 8feeb << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fef8 8ff33 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8ff4c 8ff5d << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8ff6a 8ff75 << Error - Commands Overlap

subr 8ffa7 << Error - Invalid address
code 8ffa7 8fffd << Error - Invalid address
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SMD-190 / SMD-490 EEC-IV

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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »


A newbies perspective can help.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


I need help with these.....

Code: Select all

code 1b7c2 1b7d3 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 1b7fe 1b90b << Error - Commands Overlap

code 1bc7f 1be93 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 1cb1e 1cc5c  << Error - Commands Overlap

code 1db53 1db77 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 82de9 82e11 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 85923 85941 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fb26 8fb2b   << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fb32 8fb37 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fb56 8fb5b << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fb62 8fb67  << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fba4 8fba9 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fbec 8fbf7 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fc22 8fc2d << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fc34 8fc39 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fc52 8fc5d << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fc82 8fc93 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fca0 8fcab << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fcb2 8fcb7 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fcc4 8fced << Error - Commands Overlap

code 8fce8 8ff99 << Error - Commands Overlap

code 9c432 9c43c  << Error - Commands Overlap
I got these from a Sad 5.08 disassembly, they were missing from the SAD 4.012 disassembly that I ran and figured I would put them in the dir and see what changed, But I get the above errors and have no idea why the commands overlap, or exactly what it is referring to when it says, commands overlap. Can you please explain at least one of them for me so I can correct the rest or at least know exactly how they overlap? Thanks
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Re: EEC V file conversion


Also.. I think somewhere in the mess below is the fault code list, But I am not sure exactly where and how to make sad see a big area of what it thinks are tables, as words. And where to start and end exactly. Can you please help with guiding me towards this as well? I will go ahead and also post a zip of the bin and dir files i am using for reference. Thanks again

I think the fault code list starts around 19596

Code: Select all

19556: 00,80,80,80,80,80,80,80  table    0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
1955e: 00,80,80,80,80,80,80,80  table    0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
19566: 00,80,80,80,80,80,80,80  table    0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
1956e: 00,60,80,80,80,80,80,80  table    0,  96, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
19576: 00,40,60,80,80,80,80,80  table    0,  64,  96, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
1957e: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00  table    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
19586: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00  table    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
1958e: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00  table    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
19596: 20,04,30,04,60,14,64,14  table   32,   4,  48,   4,  96,  20, 100,  20
1959e: 61,14,62,14,63,14,12,01  table   97,  20,  98,  20,  99,  20,  18,   1
195a6: 14,11,13,01,15,11,02,01  table   20,  17,  19,   1,  21,  17,   2,   1
195ae: 03,01,60,12,07,01,08,01  table    3,   1,  96,  18,   7,   1,   8,   1
195b6: 06,01,60,04,61,04,04,07  table    6,   1,  96,   4,  97,   4,   4,   7
195be: 00,10,00,11,12,11,17,11  table    0,  16,   0,  17,  18,  17,  23,  17
195c6: 25,11,00,15,27,11,28,11  table   37,  17,   0,  21,  39,  17,  40,  17
195ce: 29,11,37,11,38,11,57,11  table   41,  17,  55,  17,  56,  17,  87,  17
195d6: 58,11,08,14,16,01,17,01  table   88,  17,   8,  20,  22,   1,  23,   1
195de: 18,01,25,01,16,11,88,12  table   24,   1,  37,   1,  22,  17, 136,  18
195e6: 89,12,90,12,92,01,93,01  table  137,  18, 144,  18, 146,   1, 147,   1
195ee: 30,02,31,02,32,02,32,12  table   48,   2,  49,   2,  50,   2,  50,  18
195f6: 81,01,82,01,83,01,91,01  table  129,   1, 130,   1, 131,   1, 145,   1
195fe: 27,01,17,02,18,02,34,02  table   39,   1,  23,   2,  24,   2,  52,   2
19606: 43,02,29,12,04,15,06,15  table   67,   2,  41,  18,   4,  21,   6,  21
1960e: 07,15,50,03,51,03,52,03  table    7,  21,  80,   3,  81,   3,  82,   3
19616: 53,03,54,03,55,03,56,03  table   83,   3,  84,   3,  85,   3,  86,   3
1961e: 57,03,58,03,59,03,60,03  table   87,   3,  88,   3,  89,   3,  96,   3
19626: 20,03,40,03,49,15,03,06  table   32,   3,  64,   3,  73,  21,   3,   6
1962e: 05,06,70,12,03,07,50,16  table    5,   6, 112,  18,   3,   7,  80,  22
19636: 51,16,51,d0,85,12,02,06  table   81,  22,  81, 208, 133,  18,   2,   6
1963e: 35,16,39,16,62,d2,40,16  table   53,  22,  57,  22,  98, 210,  64,  22
19646: 05,05,01,10,01,11,01,15  table    5,   5,   1,  16,   1,  17,   1,  21
1964e: 25,03,30,03,41,07,51,07  table   37,   3,  48,   3,  65,   7,  81,   7
19656: 56,07,81,07,82,07,83,07  table   86,   7, 129,   7, 130,   7, 131,   7
1965e: 29,17,44,17,83,17,39,d0  table   41,  23,  68,  23, 131,  23,  57, 208
19666: 00,05,03,05,05,07,07,07  table    0,   5,   3,   5,   5,   7,   7,   7
1966e: 08,07,12,07,13,07,15,07  table    8,   7,  18,   7,  19,   7,  21,   7
19676: 17,07,18,07,20,07,21,07  table   23,   7,  24,   7,  32,   7,  33,   7
1967e: 22,07,02,15,02,17,04,17  table   34,   7,   2,  21,   2,  23,   4,  23
19686: 05,17,09,17,10,17,11,17  table    5,  23,   9,  23,  16,  23,  17,  23
1968e: 13,17,18,17,80,17,81,17  table   19,  23,  24,  23, 128,  23, 129,  23
19696: 40,07,43,07,50,07,53,07  table   64,   7,  67,   7,  80,   7,  83,   7
1969e: 55,07,58,07,36,16,14,17  table   85,   7,  88,   7,  54,  22,  20,  23
196a6: 15,17,27,17,40,17,46,17  table   21,  23,  39,  23,  64,  23,  70,  23
196ae: 47,17,54,17,60,17,21,11  table   71,  23,  84,  23,  96,  23,  33,  17
196b6: 20,11,22,01,23,01,21,01  table   32,  17,  34,   1,  35,   1,  33,   1
196be: 24,11,15,03,06,06,36,13  table   36,  17,  21,   3,   6,   6,  54,  19
196c6: 43,04,51,14,51,04,52,04  table   67,   4,  81,  20,  81,   4,  82,   4
196ce: 53,04,42,04,55,04,43,14  table   83,   4,  66,   4,  85,   4,  67,  20
196d6: 50,14,30,11,31,11,32,11  table   80,  20,  48,  17,  49,  17,  50,  17
196de: 50,11,51,11,52,11,30,01  table   80,  17,  81,  17,  82,  17,  48,   1
196e6: 32,01,33,01,35,01,36,01  table   50,   1,  51,   1,  53,   1,  54,   1
196ee: 38,01,41,01,50,01,52,01  table   56,   1,  65,   1,  80,   1,  82,   1
196f6: 53,01,55,01,56,01,58,01  table   83,   1,  85,   1,  86,   1,  88,   1
196fe: 61,01,33,11,34,11,53,11  table   97,   1,  51,  17,  52,  17,  83,  17
19706: 54,11,00,04,01,04,02,04  table   84,  17,   0,   4,   1,   4,   2,   4
1970e: 00,14,01,14,05,14,06,14  table    0,  20,   1,  20,   5,  20,   6,  20
19716: 09,14,99,12,33,16,56,04  table    9,  20, 153,  18,  51,  22,  86,   4
1971e: 57,04,48,01,71,01,72,01  table   87,   4,  72,   1, 113,   1, 114,   1
19726: 74,01,75,01,16,03,00,03  table  116,   1, 117,   1,  22,   3,   0,   3
1972e: 01,03,02,03,03,03,04,03  table    1,   3,   2,   3,   3,   3,   4,   3
19736: 05,03,06,03,07,03,08,03  table    5,   3,   6,   3,   7,   3,   8,   3
(1.18 MiB) Downloaded 38 times
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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »

BOOSTEDEVERYTHING wrote: 2024 Mar 19, 10:36 I also have a question about the below, I am having issues trying to fix the errors in the DIR file noted in the MSG file. I just am not sure about what version he used for the below commands, and I can't seem to find them in the current SAD docs I have, although, I did not download the older version of the docs. Maybe I need to do that to be able to change the commands to the current versions. But that being said, I do not get the "error-commands overlap" errors. I did fix quite a few of them already, these are just the ones I have not gotten to yet, or do not quite understand. I am sure it is just a version to version issue and I just maybe need to find the old docs and spend time comparing, but any help would be appreciated. thanks again!!!
That is very early SAD DIR syntax.
This help file should cover it.
(146.46 KiB) Downloaded 65 times

Code: Select all

sym b4 "PCM_PIN_2_mil" : T + << Error - Invalid Option
Relace the :T+ with :B

Code: Select all

sub  0f99e "Sub256"   :Y  : F 9 << Error - Invalid Option
sub  0f9da "Sub251"   :Y O +2  : F 8 << Error - Invalid Option
F was for function lookups. Remove the :F9 and :F8.

Code: Select all

vect 19ddc 19e14 : D 0 << Warning - End inconsistent with size, set to to 29e13
 << Error - Bank invalid
Change the Vect end to 19E13 etc. Looks like a bank bug as well

Code: Select all

sub  82895 "UUByteLU"   : F 1 << Error - Invalid Option
F was function lookup. Just remove the :F1 etc. Newer SAD has picked them as lookups automatically.

Code: Select all

word 8f8d6 8f8e4   << Warning - End inconsistent with size, set to to 9f8e3
Change the end to 8f8e3. Looks like a bank bug as well.

Code: Select all

code 8fcfa 8fd2f << Error - Commands Overlap
These suggest that there is a second command in DIR within that address range, or its a bug if no other command overlaps.

Code: Select all

subr 8ffa7 << Error - Invalid address
Sub error checking disagrees with the sub command.
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SMD-190 / SMD-490 EEC-IV

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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »

BOOSTEDEVERYTHING wrote: 2024 Mar 21, 10:55 I need help with these.....

Code: Select all

code 1b7c2 1b7d3 << Error - Commands Overlap
Can you please explain at least one of them for me so I can correct the rest or at least know exactly how they overlap? Thanks
Seems you fixed them in the DIR you posted in your next post.

I've explained one in my previous post.
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Re: EEC V file conversion

Unread post by jsa »

BOOSTEDEVERYTHING wrote: 2024 Mar 21, 12:57 Also.. I think somewhere in the mess below is the fault code list, But I am not sure exactly where and how to make sad see a big area of what it thinks are tables, as words. And where to start and end exactly. Can you please help with guiding me towards this as well? I will go ahead and also post a zip of the bin and dir files i am using for reference. Thanks again

I think the fault code list starts around 19596

Code: Select all

19596: 20,04,30,04,60,14,64,14  table   32,   4,  48,   4,  96,  20, 100,  20
Use the word command, as I have in the RZASA DIR previously posted in this thread.

Code: Select all

WOR 19596 1973D
Search the LST for immediate values.

Comparing OMAE2 to RZASA, I've sifted previously, you'll find a matching sub.
Failing that I'd search for 13,01 and see if other codes are nearby, from there make my best judgement.
Eventually, enough code can be identified to confirm best judgement. One could confirm actual table end to infer fault code list start.

Another immediate value indicates the start of the next block of data. Make a judgement about the end of the previous. Time will tell if that is correct.

Code: Select all

0b62c: 65,3e,97,2a        ad2w  R2a,973e         TEMP3L += 973e;
Beware 5.08 leaves out lots of args.
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Re: EEC V file conversion


I did not really fix all of them, I did get through a couple with educated guesses. Thank you for the old help file, I was having issues with finding the older documentation online. Should be a help for sure. I commented a lot of the other errors out in the dir file to make sure it was not causing issues with how it was disassembling the rest of the bin. I did look through that area and found several of the error codes present in that general area, that is how I was "guessing" that it should be the fault code list area. I will try the word command as recommended and see what I come up with. Just wasn't sure if using it in large address range would yield the proper results or if I had to actually pick them all out. Thanks for clearing up all the other areas I was asking about as well. I will dive back into it this weekend and hopefully can get further. This Bin is much closer to the rzasa code than the READ0 code was to RZASA for sure. So hopefully I can pick out a bunch and identify exactly what the code is actually doing and learn more about all of this. I feel like I am making pretty good progress for just starting out, so it helps to have different examples of code to compare. I will add a bunch of subroutines and tables\functions to my comparison doc this weekend as well. Trying to figure out how to make the top couple rows and the first couple columns stay put while editing so it makes it easier to follow. Still can not pin down the spreadsheet programs. LOL.
Posts: 258
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Vehicle Information: 1999 Ford Ranger with 2000 Explorer v8 swap, FLN0
2003 Ford F150 Harley Davidson, Built 5.4L SOHC with 3.4L Whipple and Built 4R100

Re: EEC V file conversion


Looks like I was mostly correct in guessing the fault code list addresses. Close anyways. I applied the word command as instructed and most of them look to be fault codes, except the last 2. So to fix it, I would end the word command with 1973D, is that correct?

Code: Select all

1958e: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00  table    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0

19596: 20,04              word    420
19598: 30,04              word    430
1959a: 60,14              word   1460
1959c: 64,14              word   1464
1959e: 61,14              word   1461
195a0: 62,14              word   1462
195a2: 63,14              word   1463
195a4: 12,01              word    112
195a6: 14,11              word   1114
195a8: 13,01              word    113
195aa: 15,11              word   1115
195ac: 02,01              word    102
195ae: 03,01              word    103
195b0: 60,12              word   1260
195b2: 07,01              word    107
195b4: 08,01              word    108
195b6: 06,01              word    106
195b8: 60,04              word    460
195ba: 61,04              word    461
195bc: 04,07              word    704
195be: 00,10              word   1000
195c0: 00,11              word   1100
195c2: 12,11              word   1112
195c4: 17,11              word   1117
195c6: 25,11              word   1125
195c8: 00,15              word   1500
195ca: 27,11              word   1127
195cc: 28,11              word   1128
195ce: 29,11              word   1129
195d0: 37,11              word   1137
195d2: 38,11              word   1138
195d4: 57,11              word   1157
195d6: 58,11              word   1158
195d8: 08,14              word   1408
195da: 16,01              word    116
195dc: 17,01              word    117
195de: 18,01              word    118
195e0: 25,01              word    125
195e2: 16,11              word   1116
195e4: 88,12              word   1288
195e6: 89,12              word   1289
195e8: 90,12              word   1290
195ea: 92,01              word    192
195ec: 93,01              word    193
195ee: 30,02              word    230
195f0: 31,02              word    231
195f2: 32,02              word    232
195f4: 32,12              word   1232
195f6: 81,01              word    181
195f8: 82,01              word    182
195fa: 83,01              word    183
195fc: 91,01              word    191
195fe: 27,01              word    127
19600: 17,02              word    217
19602: 18,02              word    218
19604: 34,02              word    234
19606: 43,02              word    243
19608: 29,12              word   1229
1960a: 04,15              word   1504
1960c: 06,15              word   1506
1960e: 07,15              word   1507
19610: 50,03              word    350
19612: 51,03              word    351
19614: 52,03              word    352
19616: 53,03              word    353
19618: 54,03              word    354
1961a: 55,03              word    355
1961c: 56,03              word    356
1961e: 57,03              word    357
19620: 58,03              word    358
19622: 59,03              word    359
19624: 60,03              word    360
19626: 20,03              word    320
19628: 40,03              word    340
1962a: 49,15              word   1549
1962c: 03,06              word    603
1962e: 05,06              word    605
19630: 70,12              word   1270
19632: 03,07              word    703
19634: 50,16              word   1650
19636: 51,16              word   1651
19638: 51,d0              word   d051
1963a: 85,12              word   1285
1963c: 02,06              word    602
1963e: 35,16              word   1635
19640: 39,16              word   1639
19642: 62,d2              word   d262
19644: 40,16              word   1640
19646: 05,05              word    505
19648: 01,10              word   1001
1964a: 01,11              word   1101
1964c: 01,15              word   1501
1964e: 25,03              word    325
19650: 30,03              word    330
19652: 41,07              word    741
19654: 51,07              word    751
19656: 56,07              word    756
19658: 81,07              word    781
1965a: 82,07              word    782
1965c: 83,07              word    783
1965e: 29,17              word   1729
19660: 44,17              word   1744
19662: 83,17              word   1783
19664: 39,d0              word   d039
19666: 00,05              word    500
19668: 03,05              word    503
1966a: 05,07              word    705
1966c: 07,07              word    707
1966e: 08,07              word    708
19670: 12,07              word    712
19672: 13,07              word    713
19674: 15,07              word    715
19676: 17,07              word    717
19678: 18,07              word    718
1967a: 20,07              word    720
1967c: 21,07              word    721
1967e: 22,07              word    722
19680: 02,15              word   1502
19682: 02,17              word   1702
19684: 04,17              word   1704
19686: 05,17              word   1705
19688: 09,17              word   1709
1968a: 10,17              word   1710
1968c: 11,17              word   1711
1968e: 13,17              word   1713
19690: 18,17              word   1718
19692: 80,17              word   1780
19694: 81,17              word   1781
19696: 40,07              word    740
19698: 43,07              word    743
1969a: 50,07              word    750
1969c: 53,07              word    753
1969e: 55,07              word    755
196a0: 58,07              word    758
196a2: 36,16              word   1636
196a4: 14,17              word   1714
196a6: 15,17              word   1715
196a8: 27,17              word   1727
196aa: 40,17              word   1740
196ac: 46,17              word   1746
196ae: 47,17              word   1747
196b0: 54,17              word   1754
196b2: 60,17              word   1760
196b4: 21,11              word   1121
196b6: 20,11              word   1120
196b8: 22,01              word    122
196ba: 23,01              word    123
196bc: 21,01              word    121
196be: 24,11              word   1124
196c0: 15,03              word    315
196c2: 06,06              word    606
196c4: 36,13              word   1336
196c6: 43,04              word    443
196c8: 51,14              word   1451
196ca: 51,04              word    451
196cc: 52,04              word    452
196ce: 53,04              word    453
196d0: 42,04              word    442
196d2: 55,04              word    455
196d4: 43,14              word   1443
196d6: 50,14              word   1450
196d8: 30,11              word   1130
196da: 31,11              word   1131
196dc: 32,11              word   1132
196de: 50,11              word   1150
196e0: 51,11              word   1151
196e2: 52,11              word   1152
196e4: 30,01              word    130
196e6: 32,01              word    132
196e8: 33,01              word    133
196ea: 35,01              word    135
196ec: 36,01              word    136
196ee: 38,01              word    138
196f0: 41,01              word    141
196f2: 50,01              word    150
196f4: 52,01              word    152
196f6: 53,01              word    153
196f8: 55,01              word    155
196fa: 56,01              word    156
196fc: 58,01              word    158
196fe: 61,01              word    161
19700: 33,11              word   1133
19702: 34,11              word   1134
19704: 53,11              word   1153
19706: 54,11              word   1154
19708: 00,04              word    400
1970a: 01,04              word    401
1970c: 02,04              word    402
1970e: 00,14              word   1400
19710: 01,14              word   1401
19712: 05,14              word   1405
19714: 06,14              word   1406
19716: 09,14              word   1409
19718: 99,12              word   1299
1971a: 33,16              word   1633
1971c: 56,04              word    456
1971e: 57,04              word    457
19720: 48,01              word    148
19722: 71,01              word    171
19724: 72,01              word    172
19726: 74,01              word    174
19728: 75,01              word    175
1972a: 16,03              word    316
1972c: 00,03              word    300
1972e: 01,03              word    301
19730: 02,03              word    302
19732: 03,03              word    303
19734: 04,03              word    304
19736: 05,03              word    305
19738: 06,03              word    306
1973a: 07,03              word    307
1973c: 08,03              word    308
1973e: e0,55              word   55e0
19740: e1,55              word   55e1
Posts: 258
Joined: 2023 Sep 06, 13:11
Location: Charlotte NC , USA
Vehicle Information: 1999 Ford Ranger with 2000 Explorer v8 swap, FLN0
2003 Ford F150 Harley Davidson, Built 5.4L SOHC with 3.4L Whipple and Built 4R100

Re: EEC V file conversion


I think I found my overlap issue now that you have explained it a bit. Now, to fix it, do I just delete the first one in this list or delete the ones after it and let SAD figure out the code? Not sure if there is a point in adding all the separate entries or if a range is better? Thanks

Code: Select all

code 8fce8 8ff99
#code 8fcfa 8fd2f
#code 8fd30 8fd53  
#code 8fd6c 8fd71
#code 8fd90 8fd95
#code 8fe1a 8fe25
#code 8fe44 8fe5b
#code 8fee6 8feeb
#code 8fef8 8ff33
#code 8ff4c 8ff5d
#code 8ff6a 8ff75
fill 8ff9a 8ffa6[code]
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